Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel opens another day!

I am so excited that our chapel is opening for another day...Wednesday! Now we have (12am) Wednesday -Saturday 5:45pm!
We were waiting for the hours between 1am-3am to be filled, when the prompting of the Holy Spirit inspired two adorers to call our chairperson. These persons did not know each other, they just felt called to adored during these specific hours....which were the 1am-3am times! I am convinced that Jesus knows exactly who He wants in the chapel and at what times!
We are inching our way closer and closer to Perpetual Adoration! Praised be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!
Now, we need to pray for the adorers to come forward for Tuesday to open!

You have not chosen me.
I have chosen you.
Go and bear fruit that will last.
(John 15:16)

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