Friday, January 16, 2009

January 15, 2009
Today was a snow day for all at home(except poor Dad who had to travel today). I mean a literal "snow" day. I believe the total of snow over night was at least 10 inches! The kids played and lounged around. I did a very unusual thing...I cleaned the house! I made homemade Beef Stew and I exercised! I a m wiped out.
The whole idea of a blog started when I was alone one winter evening. As some of you may know, I have adult children who all live out of town or out of state. I don't get to see them very often as that's how it works as they leave the "nest". I actually thought this would be a good way of letting my family, friends and extended family know what's going on with us.... who's doing what, marrying who, going to school where, working where...I think you get the picture.So this is my first attempt...(well actually my second attempt) to do this and do it correctly the second time.
Please follow as I will keep everyone up to date of the happenings here on God's green earth.
Stay posted. Julie

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